Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery


While having healthy and voluminous breasts is considered a sign of vitality and attractiveness in women, unreasonably large breasts are not wanted. Women who have very large breasts are prone to health and emotional problems such as having chronic back and neck pains, difficulty in doing physical activities along with a loss of confidence or self-trust. Nowadays, when the advancements and developments in medical sciences are combined with novel high technology, many body abnormalities can be solved. For a larger breast to fit aesthetically to the body, the option is breast reduction mammoplasty which is one of plastic surgery procedures.


Who are candidates for Breast Reduction Surgery?
You may consider a Breast Reduction Surgery in following conditions:
Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain due to heavy breasts
Chronic redness and irritation under the breasts
Physical activities limited by large breasts
Having difficulties in fitting bras or clothing
Feeling ashamed or losing confidence because of having unreasonably large breasts
Consulting a doctor is necessary in the following cases before thinking about surgery:
If you smoke
If you have conditions like heart problems, diabetes, or obesity
If your breasts have not fully developed yet (there can be the need of a second surgery later)
It is recommended to postpone your operation in the following conditions
Birth:  if you are getting married or pregnant, you should know that breastfeeding would be difficult. However, there are some surgical procedures that can help you protect your ability to breastfeed.
Losing Weight: If you plan to lose weight with diet and exercise, you can wait to reach your ideal weight in order to see whether your breasts are still too large. Weight loss generally reduces breast size
Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery
Every surgery carries specific risks and potential complications and breast reduction surgery is not an exception. Bleeding, bruising, temporary edema, scarring, infection, negative reaction to anesthesia, loss of sensitivity on areolas, difficulties in breastfeeding can occur in Breast Reduction Surgeries but these are mostly temporary.
Consult your surgeon
You should consult your surgeon at least once before surgery.
You should explain your medical history to your doctor, especially problems with breast tumors.
Your family history can be asked too. Be honest to your surgeon. Talk about your medical history and discuss emotional and physical problems that you are experiencing about your breasts. Inform your surgeon why you want a Breast Reduction Surgery.
During your consultation, you can ask your doctor about the medications you take and your habits like smoking. Your doctor may recommend you to quit smoking because smoking hinders healing rate of the body. Your doctor can also recommend you to stop using some drugs like Advil, Motrin, Xidrine, Medul and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
How is Breast Reduction Surgery done?
Breast reduction generally takes about two to five hours depending on surgical techniques, breast implants used and other factors. The surgeon makes the incision around the areola to open a keyhole-shaped hole. Surgery team then proceeds to remove excess skin, tissue and fat from your breast and repositions your areola. In order to remove excess fluid, drains may be used. The breast is then sutured and bandaged with a special gauze. You may need to wear a bra or a surgical bandage.
Things to do before Breast Reduction Surgery
 Ask your surgeon for preoperative advice
  • You need to find a companion to help you return home from the hospital
  • Finish your urgent work before the surgery since you will need some days to rest after the surgery
  • Provide some food and drinks and prepare for a postoperative process
  • Ensure that someone will take care of you for at least 2 to 3 days. You will need someone to prepare meals and to help you take your medication on time


Convalescence after Breast Reduction Surgery

Each surgery is followed by convalescence period that has specific instructions in order to heal properly Your surgeon will give you instructions and advice which you need to follow carefully. Keep in contact with your surgeon and get additional instructions. Here, we are also offering some information regarding the postoperative period. 


First weeks after the surgery

Patients should wear elastic bandages or gauze under a special surgical bra after Breast Reduction Surgery. After this period, gauze and bandages will be removed, but you need to continue wearing a surgical bra.
The sutures are usually removed after 1-2 weeks.
Patients can return to work 10 to 14 days after Breast Reduction Surgery depending on their professions. However, they are not allowed to lift heavy loads until the full recovery. In addition, patients should avoid sexual intercourse because an inflammation might occur near the incision area.
In the convalescence period, swelling or bruising might occur, but they usually disappear in a few weeks.
Moisturizer can be used to manage drying or itching, but it should not be directly applied on the incision line.
First months after the surgery
4 to 6 weeks after surgery, any contact with the breasts should be soft. Also, in the first menstruation period, patient’s breasts might swell and become sensitive. Patients may also feel a slight pain. In order to relieve your pain, your doctor will prescribe painkillers.
Usually, some temporary side effects may occur. These are:
changes in the shape of the areola and breast tissue, numbing (in some cases) and hypersensitivity in the breast region.
Since the breast tissue is heavily intervened, swelling may disappear in one year. To see the final results, you may need to wait until that time. 


The results of breast reduction :
It takes a lot of time. You will not be suffering from the physical and emotional problems you were familiar with. Your new breasts may increase your confidence and self-esteem. You can now wear the clothes you could not wear and can do activities you cannot do before.