Sapphir Technique

Sapphir Technique

This technique is carried out using an instrument made from Sapphire stone This Sapphire FUE punch—0.03mm in size— enables the hair transplant surgeon to transplant up to 80-90 grafts per 1cm, providing higher density than the traditional FUE methods. 
The punch is designed to effectively create channels in the recipient area allowing the surgeon to have complete control over the depth and thickness of grafts harvested—without damaging the skin cells in the transplanted area. 
Sapphire FUE technique promotes shorter healing time with fewer complications than other hair restoration methods. 
Using this method, the Sapphire stimulates the collagen in the skin cells of the recipient area, which plays a significant role in the healing process as well as inducing hair growth.


  • Facilitates creation of recipient area and drilling of the canals
  • Allows the incisions to be placed in the natural direction of the hair
  • Does not damage the skin or tissue to the transplanted area
  • Rapid recovery
  • Completely natural